Wow how time flies! Everyone always says that children grow so fast, but until you have your own it's hard to really believe. Kaiden has brought so much joy to our family! We are enjoying every minute with him! These are a few pictures from this week. 
I took these pictures after church this morning. Kaiden loves being outside! What a happy 6 month old boy!

We started letting Kaiden have a sippy cup after dinner to start getting him used to it. He doesn't really care for it so far! He does however like chewing on the spout. I think he will love it once he gets the hang of it!
Kaiden LOVES his jumperoo! He will jump for hours if we let him. It is hilarious to watch him in it- keeps us laughing!
Kaiden loves playing with Addison! (the dogs love playing with them too!) Addison is exactly one month older than Kaiden. She is sitting well by herself, as you can see Kaiden still needs a little help! He can sit by himself but he still loses balance when he reaches for a toy- he's almost there! The bumbo chair comes in handy for this.
You are right ... it does go by so fast !! I hope you enjoy every second of it as much as we do !!
What a cool dude! Think it's about time Uncle Brent pays Kaiden a visit, perhaps this weekend!
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