It's hard to believe, but yes our baby boy is ONE!! This has been such an exciting year for us! We are so blessed to be the parents of such a wonderful little boy. He makes us smile and laugh everyday! We love you so much Kaiden!!!
12 New things that Kaiden is doing these days:
1. He finally starting walking behind his push toys.
2. He tells us no by shaking his head. He does this VERY often!
3. He is now drinking only from a sippy cup, the bottle is history =)
4. He is drinking whole milk now---- we have a much cheaper grocery bill!
5. He loves to feed himself, he is a very independent little boy.
6. He makes up little games to play with Mommy and Daddy- he has quite the personality ;)
7. He LOVES his daddy!!
8. His favorite foods are bananas, scrambled eggs, cheese, bread of any kind, strawberries and yogurt.
9. He started going to Mommy's Day Out 2 days a week.
10. He LOVES to be outside. If he could live out there he would!
11. He has started talking alot more- Making sentences, not sure what he is saying though!!
12. The words we can understand are Mama, Dada, Nana, bye bye.