We have had a busy fall! Between Football games and fun we haven't had time to update anything! Our little boy just keeps growing and learning more every day. In just 3 short months we will be celebrating his 2nd birthday! Hard to believe our little baby will be two =( These have been the best two years ever and we have lots to be thankful for!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Posted by The Clevenger Family at 5:03 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
Football Season
Have I mentioned that Kaiden loves football? Well he does, and you can only imagine who he gets that from! He has recently become obsessed with it since the season has started. He wants to play football all the time- which consists of throwing the ball to anyone who will play catch with him and getting in the "hut" position. The boy definitely can throw the ball! Which makes daddy VERY proud! He also has started watching football on TV with Teddy. This is the same boy that NEVER sits long enough to watch TV- but when it is a football game his eyes are glued! It is too funny! Enjoy the pics of our little football star!I just had to throw in the last pic. Look at these cool dudes =)
Posted by The Clevenger Family at 7:36 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
Kaiden has always loved hats, but never actually kept them on his head. Well these days he is wearing his hat everywhere! He likes to wear it around the house to play and read his books. It is too cute to see him doing this and makes him look like a big boy!
Posted by The Clevenger Family at 2:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
Driving and wearing Daddy's clothes.....
We recently took Kaiden to Chuck e Cheese, we needed to find something to do to get out of the house but still stay cool. We weren't sure if Kaiden would like it- we were wrong! He had a blast! He wanted to ride every car there several times, he thought it was so cool to get to drive the cars by himself. He was not a happy camper when this little girl decided to get in and take over the wheel!
The other day Kaiden got one of Teddy's shirts and wanted me to put it on him so he could be like daddy =) He thought he was so cool in Daddy's shirt!
Posted by The Clevenger Family at 1:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
It's been a while....
It has been a while since I have posted anything! We have had a busy but fun-packed summer! Here are a few picks (in no particular order) of what we have been up to.
Posted by The Clevenger Family at 5:54 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Water day fun!
Kaiden and I took advantage of the nice, warm weather yesterday by having a water day in the backyard. He had so much fun! He loves playing in water and would have stayed out there all day if I would have let him. We will be doing alot of water days this summer!
Posted by The Clevenger Family at 7:52 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 17, 2009
Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday was a very busy day. We started out the morning at church, then went to my parents house for lunch, home for a quick nap, then to Teddy's parent's for dinner. It was a very busy day filled with fun! I posted some random pics from the day in no particular order ( I have been having trouble posting things on here lately.... maybe I am not doing something right! )
Posted by The Clevenger Family at 7:18 AM 0 comments