Saturday, August 30, 2008

First Football game...

So yesterday Teddy had his first football game of the season! I took Kaiden to watch. I was a little concerned because the game did not start until 7:30pm which is about the time he usually goes to bed. Considering he LOVES to be outside I thought just maybe he would make it through! I was right, He LOVED it! He was so interested in everything that was going on. The lights, music, football, people, yelling, cheering kept him entertained for hours. He stayed awake for the entire game and did not get upset even once =) His daddy was proud! Because I had my hands full during the game I didn't get any pictures, however when we got home at 11:30 pm he was still going strong! Here are the pictures of our little football fan.

Tonight we went out to dinner and Daddy dressed him up in his UT jersey that Grandma got for him. He looked so handsome!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Some new things about Kaiden!

Last night I sat Kaiden down in his vibrating chair while I put away some laundry, a few seconds later he sat all the way up in the chair by himself. He thought it was so cool that he could do this!He is really getting good at it - soon he will be sitting up!

Kaiden has also been cruising around the house in his walker that Mason gave us. He LOVES it! His favorite thing is to chase max and cole (our dogs ) around the house. He is so amazed by the dogs- everything they do is hilarious to him!

I can't believe he will be 6 months next week! It is amazing how fast they grow and learn!

Spending time with Daddy

Well Football season has officially started! This means that we don't get to see Teddy that often. He works 7 days a week and stays very busy with practice and games. Kaiden is definitely missing his daddy after spending all summer with him. So to make up for lost time Teddy makes sure to get up with him every morning and I try my hardest to keep him up until he gets home in the evening. Kaiden loves to spend time with his daddy when he gets home form work.


Friday, August 22, 2008

Pictures of our new home

I finally took a few pictures of our new home. They are not the best because the sun was beaming through the windows at the time I took them. I will take some new ones at a later date- and get some pictures of the bedrooms up. Everything is still a work in progress! We have been here almost 2 months now. We are enjoying our new home!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Catching up!

We have had a very busy summer! We sold our old house in 4 days- and have now moved into our new home in Nolanville. We have been wanting to build or buy a house in this neighborhood for over a year now, so we are excited that it has finally happened! We are pretty much all unpacked and settled in now. It is nice to have much more space!

Kaiden is now 5 months old! He is growing and changing so much everyday. He got to spend the entire summer with Daddy. They had a blast!

Things that Kaiden is doing now:

Rolling over from front to back. He ends up sleeping on his tummy with his bottom in the air now!

He talks all the time. And loves making high pitched noises and giggling!

He can sit unsupported for a few minutes before toppling over.

He eats cereal and has tried peas, green beans, and sweet potatoes so far. He loves them all!

He weighs 19 pounds and is 27 inches long.

He can hold his own bottle and even tries to feed himself with a spoon. This makes dinner time a little messy =) He is going to be a very independent little boy.

It is amazing how much he has grown over the past two months! This is such a fun stage!

We haven't taken any pictures of the new house yet. I plan to do that this weekend and get them posted!